Friday, February 25, 2011

The lightest. The best.

As athletes in all sports, we want to have the best equipment. From shoes to protective pads we want the newest, the strongest, the best. A very key characteristic in our choice of gear is the weight. We want it to be as lightweight as possible! If the equipment is too heavy we know that we won't be as fast, and we will use up our energy faster.
In life we don't want to be weighed down by unnecessary things either. Sin causes us to acquire unnecessary weight in our life's journey. We can't expect to perform our best in our individual life's duties if sin is burdening us. It will just slow us and cause us to fatigue faster!
However, all of us will acquire the additional weight of sin at one point or another in our life. Luckily for us, we have someone there to replace our crummy, heavy "equipment" for new, sleek, LIGHTWEIGHT "gear". Jesus Christ provided the means for us to repent and lift those unnecessary, heavy burdens from off our shoulders. And the great thing about this "equipment" is that it doesn't cost $100. The only cost is a broken heart and a contrite spirit! So what are you waiting for? It's yours for the taking, take it!


  1. Hello Elder Taylor. While sliding around the se wonderful innertubz I came across a post by Dr.B on his mission blog aggregator yakking the ct mission up and encouraging us as we read to also comment.

    I admit to a very bad habit of lurking. A question came up about supporting and thanking the missionaries, not just the ones we personally know, but ALL missionaries and after reading his post I realized this isone way I can support and give back.

    I really enjoy your sports analogies. I have never really played an organized sport but as I have gotten older and have lost track of my waist I have begun to exercise and pay attention to the physical the sports/fitness analogies really ring for me. good job.

    What part of Ct if I may ask? I spent a good portion of my life in Stamford.

    Be well

  2. Thanks for the compliments! I appreciate the support! Sports always provided me with motivation, so I try to connect it with the gospel. I hope someway I can provide spiritual motivation for others!
